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emotional intelligence

Our brains are wired where all input, everything you see, smell, hear and taste first must pass through the limbic system, which is the emotional center of our brain, before it passes on to the prefrontal cortex, the logic center of our brain. So often we may react emotionally to a situation before we can apply rational thought and think it through.


So, what is the big deal about Emotional Intelligence? According to Forbes: “When emotional intelligence first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70% of the time... Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack.”


The good news is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is something that can be improved with awareness and practice. resulting in improved relationships both at home and in the workplace.

self awareness

Self awareness is the ability to accurately discern your own emotions and understand your tendencies of how you typically respond in the moment. This combination of being aware of your emotions and knowing how you tend to react is the key to reducing saying and doing things you will regret by calmly navigating stressful situations with grace. It is important to understand why something gets a strong emotional reaction out of you and it is this self reflection that helps you train your brain to react with control in tense situations or where people may be pushing your buttons.

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self management

Self management is dependent on your self awareness and is what occurs when you choose to act in a given situation. Self management is the skill of using your knowledge of your emotions to stay clam and direct your behavior to get a positive outcome. Certain situations can "trigger" a strong emotional reaction in us, for example it could be fear or anger. Self management is the ability to recognize this as a triggering event and rationally explore your emotions and options before you react to the situation.

relationship awareness

Relational awareness is the ability to accurately discern the emotions present in others as you interact with them. This often means recognizing what others are feeling even if you don't feel the same way. Listening is of key importance along with reading body language and facial expressions.  We have to stop talking and stop the monologue running through our minds, stop anticipating what the other person is about to say, and stop thinking ahead to how we will respond to their point.  It is all about actively listening to the other person and asking for clarity if necessary before we respond.

Robots with Guns
Young Man with Joysticks

relationship management

Relationship management is the ability to use your awareness of your own emotions and the awareness of the emotions of others to navigate interactions to achieve solid relationships. The three skills above provide the foundation for this skill. Relationship management is about connecting and bonding with others over time to create strong relationships built on trust. It is the result of how you treat people, show understanding and the history you both share.

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