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People's lives have been changed by the pandemic, the economy, cancel culture and general chaos in the world around us. Some people have struggled -- sinking into depression or suffering a permanent loss of confidence. There are others who have also suffered real hardships but did not falter, why?  -- resilience!


Resilient people possess three defining characteristics:

  • They coolly accept the harsh realities facing them.

  • They find meaning in life’s terrible events.

  • They have the ability to improvise, making do with what is at hand.

Tropical Storm

accept reality

Instead of slipping into denial as a means to cope with the storms in life, resilient people take a sober, down-to-earth view of the reality of the situation. Their mindset is: “no one is coming to rescue me, I need to take action" and they calmly focus on the problem and possible solutions.  When they do so, they prepare themselves to act in ways that enable endurance and problem resolution. God has allowed this trial in our lives and it is up to us to respond.

Search for meaning

When hard times strike, they resist the impulse to view themselves as victims and ask “Why Me?”. Rather, they devise constructs about suffering to create meaning for themselves and others. They build a bridge from their present-day challenge to a fuller, better future. Those bridges will make the present manageable, by removing the sense that the present is overwhelming. Through this trial God is conforming me into the image of his Son, Jesus. God often allows us to struggle to grow us in some way, often by using the trial for us to increase our reliance upon Him.



When disaster strikes resilient people are inventive. Making the most of what God has provided, putting resources to new uses and imagining possibilities they have not seen before. They look at change as a good thing, often a bad habit or pattern is what got them into the situation, this can be an opportunity to grow in faith and reach out in new ways that they haven’t previously.

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